Rootset references to jovial.slotCar.Car (excludes weak refs)
Java Static References
Static reference from sun.awt.SunToolkit.peerMap (from class sun.awt.SunToolkit) :
--> java.util.Hashtable@0xee311a38 (32 bytes)
(field table:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.util.Hashtable$Entry;@0xee311a40 (404 bytes)
(Element 70 of Instance of [Ljava.util.Hashtable$Entry;:)
--> java.util.Hashtable$Entry@0xee3073a8 (16 bytes)
(field key:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> Instance of [Lsun.awt.image.BufferedImageGraphicsConfig;@0xee3055e0 (44 bytes)
(Element 1 of Instance of [Lsun.awt.image.BufferedImageGraphicsConfig;:)
--> sun.awt.image.BufferedImageGraphicsConfig@0xee3055e8 (4 bytes)
(field bImg:)
--> sun.awt.image.OffScreenImage@0xee308180 (28 bytes)
(field c:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
Static reference from sun.awt.ScreenUpdater.updater (from class sun.awt.ScreenUpdater) :
--> sun.awt.ScreenUpdater@0xee307c38 (52 bytes)
(field group:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee304668 (40 bytes)
(field threads:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;@0xee307bb8 (32 bytes)
(Element 4 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;:)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee3076f8 (48 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
Static reference from sun.awt.SunToolkit.theEventQueue (from class sun.awt.SunToolkit) :
--> java.awt.EventQueue@0xee304e28 (4 bytes)
(field queue:)
--> java.awt.EventQueueItem@0xee3005c8 (12 bytes)
(field next:)
--> java.awt.EventQueueItem@0xee303e40 (12 bytes)
(field event:)
--> java.awt.event.PaintEvent@0xee303e10 (24 bytes)
(field source:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
Static reference from sun.awt.motif.MFramePeer.allFrames (from class sun.awt.motif.MFramePeer) :
--> java.util.Vector@0xee307968 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee307970 (40 bytes)
(Element 0 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> sun.awt.motif.MFramePeer@0xee3079a8 (40 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Race@0xee311640 (212 bytes)
(field component:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.awt.Component;@0xee306b68 (16 bytes)
(Element 0 of Instance of [Ljava.awt.Component;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee300de0 (48 bytes)
(field group:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee300150 (40 bytes)
(field groups:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.ThreadGroup;@0xee304670 (16 bytes)
(Element 0 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.ThreadGroup;:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee304668 (40 bytes)
(field threads:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;@0xee307bb8 (32 bytes)
(Element 4 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;:)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee3076f8 (48 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
Static reference from java.lang.ref.Finalizer.finalizer (from class java.lang.ref.Finalizer) :
--> java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread@0xee300388 (48 bytes)
(field group:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee300150 (40 bytes)
(field groups:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.ThreadGroup;@0xee304670 (16 bytes)
(Element 0 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.ThreadGroup;:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee304668 (40 bytes)
(field threads:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;@0xee307bb8 (32 bytes)
(Element 4 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;:)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee3076f8 (48 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
Static reference from java.lang.ref.Reference.handler (from class java.lang.ref.Reference) :
--> java.lang.ref.Reference$ReferenceHandler@0xee3002d8 (48 bytes)
(field group:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee300150 (40 bytes)
(field groups:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.ThreadGroup;@0xee304670 (16 bytes)
(Element 0 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.ThreadGroup;:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee304668 (40 bytes)
(field threads:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;@0xee307bb8 (32 bytes)
(Element 4 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;:)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee3076f8 (48 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
Static reference from java.lang.ref.CachedReference.class$java$lang$ref$CachedReference (from class java.lang.ref.CachedReference) :
--> class java.lang.ref.CachedReference@0xee300db8 (0 bytes)
(static field sweeper:)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee300de0 (48 bytes)
(field group:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee300150 (40 bytes)
(field groups:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.ThreadGroup;@0xee304670 (16 bytes)
(Element 0 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.ThreadGroup;:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee304668 (40 bytes)
(field threads:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;@0xee307bb8 (32 bytes)
(Element 4 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;:)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee3076f8 (48 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
Static reference from sun.awt.AppContext.security2appContexts (from class sun.awt.AppContext) :
--> java.util.Hashtable@0xee312068 (32 bytes)
(field table:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.util.Hashtable$Entry;@0xee312070 (8 bytes)
(Element 1 of Instance of [Ljava.util.Hashtable$Entry;:)
--> java.util.Hashtable$Entry@0xee3170c0 (16 bytes)
(field value:)
--> sun.awt.AppContext@0xee312080 (4 bytes)
(field table:)
--> java.util.Hashtable@0xee312088 (32 bytes)
(field table:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.util.Hashtable$Entry;@0xee317040 (8 bytes)
(Element 1 of Instance of [Ljava.util.Hashtable$Entry;:)
--> java.util.Hashtable$Entry@0xee3053a8 (16 bytes)
(field value:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee305390 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3053a0 (40 bytes)
(Element 0 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Race@0xee311640 (212 bytes)
(field component:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.awt.Component;@0xee306b68 (16 bytes)
(Element 0 of Instance of [Ljava.awt.Component;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
Thread Block References
--> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException@0xee307b68 (12 bytes)
(field backtrace:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee307b88 (36 bytes)
(Element 4 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> class sun.awt.motif.MFramePeer@0xee3078e0 (0 bytes)
(static field allFrames:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee307968 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee307970 (40 bytes)
(Element 0 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> sun.awt.motif.MFramePeer@0xee3079a8 (40 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Race@0xee311640 (212 bytes)
(field component:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.awt.Component;@0xee306b68 (16 bytes)
(Element 0 of Instance of [Ljava.awt.Component;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
JNI Global References
JNI Global Reference :
--> sun.awt.motif.MCanvasPeer@0xee307350 (28 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
JNI Global Reference :
--> sun.awt.motif.MFramePeer@0xee3079a8 (40 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Race@0xee311640 (212 bytes)
(field component:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.awt.Component;@0xee306b68 (16 bytes)
(Element 0 of Instance of [Ljava.awt.Component;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
JNI Global Reference :
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee3046a0 (48 bytes)
(field group:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee304668 (40 bytes)
(field threads:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;@0xee307bb8 (32 bytes)
(Element 4 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;:)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee3076f8 (48 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
JNI Local References
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> sun.awt.image.OffScreenImage@0xee308180 (28 bytes)
(field c:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> sun.awt.image.BufferedImageGraphics2D@0xee305838 (160 bytes)
(field component:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee3076f8 (48 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> sun.awt.motif.X11Graphics@0xee3172f0 (140 bytes)
(field peer:)
--> sun.awt.motif.MCanvasPeer@0xee307350 (28 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> sun.java2d.loops.RasterOutputManager$RenderImageCachedState@0xee3064f8 (24 bytes)
(field srcImage:)
--> sun.awt.image.OffScreenImage@0xee308180 (28 bytes)
(field c:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> sun.java2d.loops.LockableRaster@0xee3063a8 (32 bytes)
(field parentImage:)
--> sun.awt.image.OffScreenImage@0xee308180 (28 bytes)
(field c:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> jovial.slotCar.Race@0xee311640 (212 bytes)
(field component:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.awt.Component;@0xee306b68 (16 bytes)
(Element 0 of Instance of [Ljava.awt.Component;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> sun.java2d.loops.LockableRaster@0xee3063b0 (32 bytes)
(field parent2D:)
--> sun.awt.motif.X11Graphics@0xee3172f0 (140 bytes)
(field peer:)
--> sun.awt.motif.MCanvasPeer@0xee307350 (28 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> java.awt.Event@0xee307898 (56 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Race@0xee311640 (212 bytes)
(field component:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.awt.Component;@0xee306b68 (16 bytes)
(Element 0 of Instance of [Ljava.awt.Component;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee304668 (40 bytes)
(field threads:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;@0xee307bb8 (32 bytes)
(Element 4 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;:)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee3076f8 (48 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> java.awt.event.PaintEvent@0xee300278 (24 bytes)
(field source:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Race@0xee311640 (212 bytes)
(field component:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.awt.Component;@0xee306b68 (16 bytes)
(Element 0 of Instance of [Ljava.awt.Component;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee307b98 (48 bytes)
(field group:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee304668 (40 bytes)
(field threads:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;@0xee307bb8 (32 bytes)
(Element 4 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;:)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee3076f8 (48 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> sun.awt.motif.X11Graphics@0xee304c20 (140 bytes)
(field peer:)
--> sun.awt.motif.MFramePeer@0xee3079a8 (40 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Race@0xee311640 (212 bytes)
(field component:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.awt.Component;@0xee306b68 (16 bytes)
(Element 0 of Instance of [Ljava.awt.Component;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> sun.awt.motif.InputThread@0xee3050f8 (48 bytes)
(field group:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee304668 (40 bytes)
(field threads:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;@0xee307bb8 (32 bytes)
(Element 4 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;:)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee3076f8 (48 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee305328 (48 bytes)
(field group:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee304668 (40 bytes)
(field threads:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;@0xee307bb8 (32 bytes)
(Element 4 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;:)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee3076f8 (48 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> java.awt.EventDispatchThread@0xee304f20 (56 bytes)
(field group:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee304668 (40 bytes)
(field threads:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;@0xee307bb8 (32 bytes)
(Element 4 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;:)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee3076f8 (48 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> class sun.awt.ScreenUpdater@0xee307c30 (0 bytes)
(static field updater:)
--> sun.awt.ScreenUpdater@0xee307c38 (52 bytes)
(field group:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee304668 (40 bytes)
(field threads:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;@0xee307bb8 (32 bytes)
(Element 4 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;:)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee3076f8 (48 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee300240 (48 bytes)
(field group:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee300150 (40 bytes)
(field groups:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.ThreadGroup;@0xee304670 (16 bytes)
(Element 0 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.ThreadGroup;:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee304668 (40 bytes)
(field threads:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;@0xee307bb8 (32 bytes)
(Element 4 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;:)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee3076f8 (48 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee300168 (48 bytes)
(field group:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee300150 (40 bytes)
(field groups:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.ThreadGroup;@0xee304670 (16 bytes)
(Element 0 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.ThreadGroup;:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee304668 (40 bytes)
(field threads:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;@0xee307bb8 (32 bytes)
(Element 4 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;:)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee3076f8 (48 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> class java.lang.ref.Reference@0xee3002b8 (0 bytes)
(static field handler:)
--> java.lang.ref.Reference$ReferenceHandler@0xee3002d8 (48 bytes)
(field group:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee300150 (40 bytes)
(field groups:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.ThreadGroup;@0xee304670 (16 bytes)
(Element 0 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.ThreadGroup;:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee304668 (40 bytes)
(field threads:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;@0xee307bb8 (32 bytes)
(Element 4 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;:)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee3076f8 (48 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
--> java.lang.ref.CachedReference$Sweeper@0xee300df0 (8 bytes)
(field cr:)
--> class java.lang.ref.CachedReference@0xee300db8 (0 bytes)
(static field sweeper:)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee300de0 (48 bytes)
(field group:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee300150 (40 bytes)
(field groups:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.ThreadGroup;@0xee304670 (16 bytes)
(Element 0 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.ThreadGroup;:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee304668 (40 bytes)
(field threads:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;@0xee307bb8 (32 bytes)
(Element 4 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;:)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee3076f8 (48 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
System Class References
System Class Reference :
--> class java.lang.ref.Finalizer@0xee300350 (0 bytes)
(static field finalizer:)
--> java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread@0xee300388 (48 bytes)
(field group:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee300150 (40 bytes)
(field groups:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.ThreadGroup;@0xee304670 (16 bytes)
(Element 0 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.ThreadGroup;:)
--> java.lang.ThreadGroup@0xee304668 (40 bytes)
(field threads:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;@0xee307bb8 (32 bytes)
(Element 4 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Thread;:)
--> java.lang.Thread@0xee3076f8 (48 bytes)
(field target:)
--> jovial.slotCar.animator.Animator@0xee305518 (132 bytes)
(field drawables_:)
--> java.util.Vector@0xee3055a0 (16 bytes)
(field elementData:)
--> Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;@0xee3055a8 (40 bytes)
(Element 7 of Instance of [Ljava.lang.Object;:)
--> jovial.slotCar.Car@0xee3077c8 (20 bytes)
Other queries
Include weak refs