Package com.hdcookbook.grin

GRIN - GRaphical INteractivity, a framework for presentation of visual and other assets for BD-J and other GEM-based TV platforms.


Interface Summary
Node Defines methods needed to construct Show from a binary file.

Class Summary
Director This class is a supertype that xlets can subclass to interact with a show.
Feature Represents a feature.
GrinXHelper This class has three distinct functions.
Segment A segment within a show.
Show Represents a show.
ShowInitializer This is a small data holder used for a Show.

Package com.hdcookbook.grin Description

GRIN - GRaphical INteractivity, a framework for presentation of visual and other assets for BD-J and other GEM-based TV platforms. A fairly extensive design document is available in doc-files/index.html.

Testing Framework

To see how to test the framework, see the package com.hdcookbook.grin.test and its subpackages.


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