Class ImageSequence

  extended by com.hdcookbook.grin.Feature
      extended by com.hdcookbook.grin.features.ImageSequence
All Implemented Interfaces:
Node, SetupClient
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ImageSequence
extends Feature
implements Node, SetupClient

An image sequence does "cell" animation. It consists of a number of images that are displayed one after another. All of the images in a sequence are assumed to be the same size.

Bill Foote (

Field Summary
protected  Command[] endCommands
protected  java.lang.String[] fileNames
protected  ManagedImage[] images
protected  int loopCount
protected  ImageSequence model
protected  java.awt.Rectangle[] placements
protected  boolean repeat
protected  java.awt.Rectangle scaledBounds
protected  InterpolatedModel scalingModel
Fields inherited from class com.hdcookbook.grin.Feature
name, show
Constructor Summary
ImageSequence(Show show)
Method Summary
 void addDisplayAreas(RenderContext context)
          Add all of the areas that are displayed for this feature with the current frame.
protected  Feature createClone(java.util.HashMap clones)
          This is an implementation method that should not be called direction by applications; applications should call cloneSubgraph().
 void destroy()
          Free any resources held by this feature.
 void doSomeSetup()
          Do some (or all) of the setup work needed for this client.
 int getCurrentFrame()
          Get the current frame.
 ManagedImage[] getImages()
          Get the underlying images in this sequence.
 int getX()
          Get the upper-left hand corner of this feature as presently displayed.
 int getY()
          Get the upper-left hand corner of this feature as presently displayed Return Integer.MAX_VALUE if this feature has no visible representation.
 void initialize()
          Initialize this feature.
protected  void initializeClone(Feature original, java.util.HashMap clones)
          This is an implementation method that should not be called direction by applications; it is called from cloneSubgraph().
 void markDisplayAreasChanged()
          Mark the display areas of this feature as modified for the next call to addDisplayAreas.
 boolean needsMoreSetup()
          This is where the feaure says whether or not it needs more setup.
 void nextFrame()
          Called from Segment with the Show lock held, to advance us to the state we should be in for the next frame.
 void paintFrame(java.awt.Graphics2D gr)
          Paint the current state of this feature to gr.
 void readInstanceData(GrinDataInputStream in, int length)
          Reads in this node information from the binary file format.
protected  void setActivateMode(boolean mode)
          Change the activated mode of this feature.
 void setCurrentFrame(int f)
          Set the current frame within the animation.
protected  int setSetupMode(boolean mode)
          Change the setup mode of this feature.
Methods inherited from class com.hdcookbook.grin.Feature
activate, addSubgraph, cloneCommands, clonedReference, cloneSubgraph, deactivate, destroyClonedSubgraph, getName, isSetup, makeNewClone, resetFeature, sendFeatureSetup, setName, setup, toString, unsetup
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.awt.Rectangle[] placements


protected java.lang.String[] fileNames


protected boolean repeat


protected InterpolatedModel scalingModel


protected java.awt.Rectangle scaledBounds


protected int loopCount


protected Command[] endCommands


protected ManagedImage[] images


protected ImageSequence model
Constructor Detail


public ImageSequence(Show show)
Method Detail


protected Feature createClone(java.util.HashMap clones)
This is an implementation method that should not be called direction by applications; applications should call cloneSubgraph(). New subclasses of Feature that wish to support cloning must override this method.

Create a new clone of this feature. This method creates a new instance of this feature, and creates new instances of any sub-features, but it does not initialize the feature. This method is called from Feature.makeNewClone().

See the documentation of cloneSubgraph() for a list of runtime exceptions this method can throw. Subclasses that wish to support cloning must override this method.

createClone in class Feature
clones - A map from original feature to cloned feature. Entries are added by Feature.makeNewClone().
See Also:
Feature.makeNewClone(java.util.HashMap), Feature.cloneSubgraph(java.util.HashMap)


protected void initializeClone(Feature original,
                               java.util.HashMap clones)
This is an implementation method that should not be called direction by applications; it is called from cloneSubgraph(). New subclasses of Feature may override this method.

Initialize this cloned feature from its original. This is called after the entire subgraph has been cloned, so the HashMap containing the set of clones will be complete. See the documentation of cloneSubgraph() for a list of runtime exceptions this method can throw. Subclasses that wish to support cloning must override this method.

If this feature doesn't need initialization it's OK for a feature to not implement it; the default version of this method does nothing. Typically, you only need to implement this for features that have references to other features that aren't sub-features, or that have commands that might have references to other features.

initializeClone in class Feature
See Also:


public int getX()
Get the upper-left hand corner of this feature as presently displayed. Return Integer.MAX_VALUE if this feature has no visible representation.

Specified by:
getX in class Feature
the x coordinate


public int getY()
Get the upper-left hand corner of this feature as presently displayed Return Integer.MAX_VALUE if this feature has no visible representation.

Specified by:
getY in class Feature
the y coordinate


public ManagedImage[] getImages()
Get the underlying images in this sequence. Some of them might be null.


public void initialize()
Initialize this feature. This is called on show initialization. A show will initialize all of its features after it initializes the segments.

It's OK to call this method earlier if needed, e.g. in order to determine image widths.

Specified by:
initialize in class Feature


public void destroy()
Free any resources held by this feature. It is the opposite of setup; each call to setup() shall be balanced by a call to unsetup(), and they shall *not* be nested.

It's possible an active segment may be destroyed. For example, the last segment a show is in when the show is destroyed will probably be active (and it will probably be an empty segment too!).

Specified by:
destroy in class Feature


protected void setActivateMode(boolean mode)
Change the activated mode of this feature. The new mode will always be different than the old. Clients of the GRIN framework should never call this method directly. Custom feature extensions must implement this method.

Specified by:
setActivateMode in class Feature


protected int setSetupMode(boolean mode)
Change the setup mode of this feature. The new mode will always be different than the old. Clients of the GRIN framework should never call this method directly. Custom feature extensions must implement this method.

This method must return a guaranteed lower bound for the number of times it will send a feature setup command as a result of this call. That is, it must send at least as many feature setup commands to the segment as the number returned; sending an accurate number makes the setup process more efficient, since the time it takes to process a command scales with the number of features in a segment. When mode is false, 0 should be returned.

Specified by:
setSetupMode in class Feature


public void doSomeSetup()
Do some (or all) of the setup work needed for this client. This might be called when setup is no longer required; in this case, the client should just return.

Specified by:
doSomeSetup in interface SetupClient


public boolean needsMoreSetup()
This is where the feaure says whether or not it needs more setup. Calls to this are synchronized within the init manager to avoid race conditions. The implementation of this method must not call outside code or call any animation manager methods. For a given setup cycle, this method is called only after setup(). Clients of the GRIN framework should never call this method directly. Custom feature extensions must implement this method.

Specified by:
needsMoreSetup in interface SetupClient
Specified by:
needsMoreSetup in class Feature
See Also:


public void nextFrame()
Called from Segment with the Show lock held, to advance us to the state we should be in for the next frame.

Specified by:
nextFrame in class Feature


public void setCurrentFrame(int f)
Set the current frame within the animation. This should only be called within the animation thread when model updates are safe, e.g. during the execution of a show command. Note that the current frame value increments with every frame in nextFrame(), and commands execute after that. This means that you can control the frame # of an image sequence by calling this method every frame, effectively overwriting the value just calculated automatically in nextFrame().

Note that the logic for calling the end commands resides in nextFrame(), so you should be careful if there are end commands - if you set the current frame to the last image, then the end commands will execute in the next animation frame.

f - The frame number to set, 0..(n-1)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if f is out of range


public int getCurrentFrame()
Get the current frame.

the frame number, 0..(n-1)
See Also:


public void markDisplayAreasChanged()
Mark the display areas of this feature as modified for the next call to addDisplayAreas. This can be called by a parent node on its children, e.g. when the parent is deactivated. This is necessary because a parent node might modify the drawing of its children (e.g. by setting an alpha value), and a parent might be taken out of a render tree when its children are not.

See also Issue 121

Specified by:
markDisplayAreasChanged in class Feature
See Also:


public void addDisplayAreas(RenderContext context)
Add all of the areas that are displayed for this feature with the current frame. This will be called exactly once per frame displayed on each activated feature.

A feature that displays something needs to maintain a record of it in a DrawRecord. The animation framework uses this to track what needs to be erased and drawn from frame to frame.

Clients of the GRIN framework should not call this method directly. Feature subclasses must implement this method.

Specified by:
addDisplayAreas in class Feature
context - The context for tracking rendering state
See Also:


public void paintFrame(java.awt.Graphics2D gr)
Paint the current state of this feature to gr. Clients of the GRIN framework should not call this method directly. Feature subclasses must implement this method.

Specified by:
paintFrame in class Feature
gr - The place to paint to.


public void readInstanceData(GrinDataInputStream in,
                             int length)
Description copied from interface: Node
Reads in this node information from the binary file format.

An implementation of this method is recommended to call in.readSuperClassData(this) as the first line of the method to read in information that is defined in the base class of this Node type.

This should only be called while initializing this object.

Specified by:
readInstanceData in interface Node
in - InputStream to read data from.
length - the number of bytes that this node's information occupies in the InputStream. The implementation of this method is expected to read exactly this number of bytes from the stream. This can be used for a debugging purpose.
Throws: - if error occurs.
See Also:
GrinDataInputStream.readSuperClassData(Feature), GrinDataInputStream.readSuperClassData(RCHandler), GrinDataInputStream.readSuperClassData(Segment), GrinDataInputStream.readSuperClassData(Command)