


Class Summary
PlayerWrangler This is a singleton class that's used to control A/V playback on the primary JMF player.

Package Description



This directory contains a GRIN extension for simple media playback. It can be included with a GRIN-based xlet to control playing video. It's packaged as a "standard GRIN extension," as three source directories:


See under "BUILDING" for more details.

The syntax of the standard extension is a new feature type, called "playlist_feature":

    playlist_feature ::= "feature" "extension" "media:playlist"
                                  [ "autostart:" boolean ]
                                  [ "autostop:" boolean ]
                                  [ "marks" mark_list ]
                                  [ "on_activate" commands ]
                                  [ "on_media_start" commands ]
                                  [ "on_media_end" commands ]
                                  [ "on_deactivate" commands ]
            # autostart and autostop both default true, and cause the
            # video to start() and stop() on activate/deactivate

    bd_locator ::= string

    mark_list ::= "{" mark* "}"

    mark ::= time "ms" [ "java_constant" name ] [ "on_entry" commands ]
            #  A constant with the given name is created in the 
            #  java_generated_class.  This can be used with 
            #  PlayerWranger.setMediaTimeMS() to seek to a mark.
            #  When the media time first falls between two marks, the 
            #  on_entry command associated with the starting mark is 
            #  executed.  This applies even if the player went there
            #  because setMediaTimeMS() was called.

    time ::= int

    name ::= string

There is no "player" object, because in BD there's effectively only one global player.

To control a playlist, use a java_command that makes API calls. These commands might need to refer back to the playlist. Since GRIN java_command objects have no notion of "this", you'll have to use information stored in the director, such as a data member that refers to the playlist_feature you want to target.

If the playlist is not in the activated state, then it will not trigger any commands even if the given event is received, and attempts to control the playlist will silently fail.

An example of the use of this framework to control media can be found in /xlets/grin_samples/GrinBunny


This player has its own notion of playlist marks. This takes the place of triggers, or BD playlist marks. Implementing these in Java code means that there's no question of whether or not they will work during trick play: They will. The implementation works by polling the media time during every frame of animation, which is a fast enough operation to be an insignificant overhead. When a playlist is activated, the current playlist mark is set outside of any of the video segments (effectively, it's -1), so as soon as the video gets within a video segment on a newly activated playlist, commands will be triggered if they've been defined for that segment.

For seeking to marks, the player extension relies heavily on the java_command idiom. To seek to a mark, just give it a name like MY_MARK in the java_constant part of the mark definition. This will result in the java_generated_class having a constant definition like this one:

    public final static int MY_MARK = 5000;

To seek to that mark, you can do this:

    java_command [[ PlayerWranger.getInstance().setMediaTimeMS(MY_MARK); ]]

One complication is that a director can't refer to the java_constant values, since the director is compiled before the GRIN show. An easy way around this is to populate any director data structures from a java_command that gets run at initialization, perhaps like this:

        java_command [[
            int[] marks = new int[] { MARK_1, MARK_2, MARK_3 };

At some point with a sufficiently complex experience that involves lots of playlist marks, this mechanism might break down. Each unique java_command generates a method on the java_generated_class, and eventually the class could get too big. That said, the limit is reasonably high, and we don't really expect as many as 1,000 playlist marks. As long as the java_generated_class is of a legal size, a switch statement on an integer (which is what it uses internally) is a really efficient way of doing things -- measurements show that application startup is more influenced by the number of classes than it is by the size of those classes.


In any xlet that does player control using this framework, it is essential that the following code be executed exactly once when the xlet is being shut down:


This releases resources back to the player. The MHP and BD-J spec reqire that resources be released in this way.


It might seem odd at first that there's no Player object in this, a media playback framework. This was done for a couple of reasons:

By putting the video source at the center of the design, we create a design that allows for subclassing and/or other kinds of extension to video sources like:

This design seems to hold up pretty well -- every one of those four have a different mechanism for starting and stopping the playback, and doing trick play. Some use JMF controls, and some don't.

It's interesting to note that this deisgn is the exact opposite of JMF. In JMF, there's a type hierarchy on Player. Sometimes this type hierarchy is expressed in the Java type system, as with the ServiceMediaHandler subclass of Player, and sometimes it's not explicit and even changes dynamically. For example, an OCAP serice context can switch between presenting an A/V service (and thus grab the hardware MPEG decoder and the background video plane), and presenting an application-only service (like the EPG). In JMF, a locator is a very powerful thing, with a rich classification of different kinds of locators that cause the methods they're passed to to have have different behaviors. However, the (somewhat Byzantine) Java typing of locators in BD-J/OCAP/GEM doesn't really capture what locators are; it's really little more than representing locators as strings.

In this GRIN player extension, the roles are reversed. Player is a second-class citizen that is implicitly there, due to its inherently static nature. Locator, and more generally sources of A/V content, are expressed through the type system, and control of the video presentation is done by interacting with the VideoSource, and not with a player. For some video sources, the VideoSource is implemented by controlling a JMF Player, and for others, it is implemented by controlling the stream.


As mentioned above, this extension is a source extension. With these xlets, we've found that the best way to structure a build is to just put all the source together, and build it as a unit. That way, things like debug settings get compiled in the right way, and different parts of the GRIN framework can get swapped in and out as needed, like a debug log.

This project has three source directories:

    src         shared source (currently only contains the package.html
                file that you're reading now).

    se_src      Source for desktop Java only.  This includes compilation-time
                classes, and desktop-only versions of the runtime (which
                are essentially stubbed out, since no media playback
                can happen within grinview).

    xlet_src    Source for the xlet version of the runtime

In order to use this framework, you need to hook the extension parser into the compilation framework. See javadoc comments in com/hdcookbook/grin/media// for details.

The generic GRIN xlet in /xlets/grin_samples/GenericGame supports adding source libraries via the se.lib.src and xlet.lib.src properties. To use this framework with GenericGame, you can set these properties like this, in your file:${cookbook.dir}/AuthoringTools/grin/extensions/media


You can see all of this in action in the GrinBunny sample game.