Class ExtensionParserList

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ExtensionParserList
extends java.lang.Object
implements ExtensionParser

A list of extension parsers. Often, extensions are composed together in one project. When this is the case, it's useful to be able to string together a number of extension parsers.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
          Create a new ExtensionParserList with no parsers in it.
Method Summary
 void addParser(ExtensionParser parser)
          Add the supplied parser to the list of parsers.
 Command getCommand(Show show, java.lang.String typeName, Lexer lexer)
          Get a modifier command of the given type.
 Feature getFeature(Show show, java.lang.String typeName, java.lang.String name, Lexer lexer)
          Get a feature of the given type.
 Modifier getModifier(Show show, java.lang.String typeName, java.lang.String name, Lexer lexer)
          Get a modifier feature of the given type.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ExtensionParserList()
Create a new ExtensionParserList with no parsers in it.

See Also:
Method Detail


public void addParser(ExtensionParser parser)
Add the supplied parser to the list of parsers.


public Feature getFeature(Show show,
                          java.lang.String typeName,
                          java.lang.String name,
                          Lexer lexer)
Get a feature of the given type. The syntax of an extension feature is fixed at
     "feature" "modifier" namespace:type_name name feature_name arguments ";"
This method gets a Lexer instance that is pointed to the beginning of the arguments. The implementation of this method is expected to return an instance of a feature which loads on a standard JDK. It can be different from the feature class that is going to be used with the xlet in the BD-J environment.

Specified by:
getFeature in interface ExtensionParser
show - The show being parsed
typeName - The name of the feature's type. This will always contain a ":".
name - The name of this instance of feature a list of commands if needed.
lexer - The lexer to parse arguments for this feature. The implementation of this method should parse up to ";" which indicates the end of the feature declaration.
A feature if one of the given type is known, null otherwise
Throws: - if there's an error.


public Modifier getModifier(Show show,
                            java.lang.String typeName,
                            java.lang.String name,
                            Lexer lexer)
Get a modifier feature of the given type. The type name will have a colon in it. The sub-feature will automatically be set up for you.

The syntax of an extension feature is fixed at

     "feature" "modifier" namespace:type_name name feature_name arguments ";"
where feature_name is given iff the feature is a Modifier. This method gets a Lexer instance that is pointed to the beginning of the arguments. The implementation of this method is expected to return an instance of a modifier which loads on a standard JDK. It can be different from the modifier class that is going to be used with the xlet in the BD-J environment.

Specified by:
getModifier in interface ExtensionParser
show - The show being parsed
typeName - The name of the feature's type. This will always contain a ":".
name - The name of this instance of feature a list of commands if needed.
lexer - The lexer to parse arguments for this feature. The implementation of this method should parse up to ";" which indicates the end of the feature declaration.
A feature if one of the given type is known, null otherwise
Throws: - if there's an error.


public Command getCommand(Show show,
                          java.lang.String typeName,
                          Lexer lexer)
Get a modifier command of the given type. The implementation of this method is expected to return an instance of a command which loads on a standard JDK. It can be different from the command class that is going to be used with the xlet in the BD-J environment.

Specified by:
getCommand in interface ExtensionParser
show - The show being parsed
typeName - The name of the commands's type. This will always contain a ":".
lexer - The lexer to parse arguments for this feature. The implementation of this method should parse up to ";" which indicates the end of the feature declaration.
A command if one of the given type is known, null otherwise
Throws: - if there's an error.